Call for Papers 2024

Call for Papers

We are waiting for your applications till 15th of September

What would you say to becoming a speaker at DevOpsDays?

Is software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them your thing? Share your most recent success, research, publication, discovery, investigation or solution on stage of DevOpsDays Warsaw 2024.

We’re looking for experts who “speak” in many programming languages – Java, Ruby, Python, PHP… and more. We’re not going to restrict the topic, so if you have something interesting to say just apply. We would love to see case studies, but if you have something else in your mind – bring it on and share it during a presentation.

Why should you perform at such a cool conference?

A great networking experience
– Meet other people who specialize in various IT fields
– Start new projects with accomplished & experienced people (Inter)national stage experience
– DevOpsDays is a conference with an established history and dedicated attendees from various countries
– Our principles are knowledge sharing and meeting incredibly talented people
– We offer a chance to listen & meet the best IT specialists We want your presentation to be among theirs

What’s in it for you
We know preparing for a conference takes a lot of time and effort. To appreciate your effort we offer:
– free conference entry
– accommodation during the conference
– speaker dinners and other events

How to become a speaker?

Fill in the form below. Include:
– Name, surname and e-mail of the speaker
– Subject of an email: DevOpsDays Warsaw 2024
– The speaker’s photo*
– The topic of the presentation*
– Short description of the topic (max. 500 words)*
– Minimal level of knowledge required from the audience (beginner, intermediate, advanced)

We are waiting for your applications till 14th of June.

Your entry will be evaluated by the team of our experts – Program Committee. We will inform you about the results up to two weeks after the CFP deadline.

* The short biography, the topic of the presentation, its description and photo will be published on DevOpsDays website and promotional materials

    *Required. The short biography, the topic of the presentation, its description and photo will be published on DevOpsDays Warsaw website and promotional materials