Our Story

What is DevOpsDays Warsaw?

DevOpsDays is an international conference for all DevOps enthusiasts, developers, IT operations, management, CEO’s, sales, marketing teams and sys admins. Worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Topics often include automation, testing, security, and organizational culture. Following the idea of DevOps – everyone who is responsible for the development and efficiency of the Internet service can feel invited! The first Polish edition of DevOpsDays was held eight years ago and attracted many participants from whole Europe.

Why is it worth
to join us?

In 2022 we finally had a chance to meet in person after 3 years of online events. And it was a blast! We would love to see you again this year! During DevOpsDays Warsaw 2023 we expect about 400 visitors. Software Developer, Senior Software Engineer, CTO / CEO, testers, IT Admin and IT Manager – those are the most popular job titles of our guests. This means they are a group of specialists who will teach you how to lead internet projects in line with the most recent trends in management. Our participants “speak” in many programming languages – Java, Ruby, Python, PHP… and more! DevOpsDays Warsaw 2023 will be a great place to share the most recent IT solutions and cultural experiences.

